Flow’s English memos

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Foreign Affairs; How Secrecy Limits Diversity




Revocation  廃止、取り消し
thermonuclear 原子核融合反応の
redress 他動 矯正する、直す、正す
     n. 償い、補償



He was also the son of German Jewish immigrants, with friends and relatives who had politically progressive views—several were communists—at a time when many Americans treated Jews as〈  〉 foreign and untrustworthy.



Before the case was even presented, one of those men, Ward Evans, made his views clear when he declared that “almost without exception those who turned up before security review boards with〈  〉 backgrounds and interests were Jewish.”

subversive〉形 破壊する、倒壊させる


〈  〉Oppenheimer is hardly the end of the story, however.

〈Exonerating〉<exonerate 免れさせる、解放する


【   】, Oppenheimer had far more advantages than others who have come under this kind of〈  〉.

【In fact】実のところ